Lindsey Schuett

date of testimony: January 16th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
video submission
[court record does not have the transcript for video submissions]
MS. POVILAITIS: Judge, the video has been submitted by Ms. Anna Ludes.
Your Honor, and, again, I hope she is somewhere in the world, I believe she is somewhere in Asia, is from a survivor who has authorized us to publicly identify her and transmit and record this statement. Her name is Lindsey Schuett.
(Video played at 4:36 p.m.)
THE COURT: As to Lindsey, I want her to know that her screaming is being heard all the way in ….?
2018. We are sending defendant — I am sending him along with other judges on a path to prison. She echos what I said earlier that he likely had billings and other crimes he treated her for his own gain and not with proper medical treatment or need for an appointment.
Her question really resonates with me. I will decide at sentencing how long. The plea agreement, which, as I said, I will honor, but on the tail end I’ll make that determination. How much is a young girl’s life worth? Our constitution does not allow for cruel and unusual punishment. If it did, I have to say I might allow what he did to all of these beautiful souls, these young women in their childhood, I would allow someone or many people to do to him what he did to others.
Our country does not have an eye for an eye and Michigan doesn’t have the death penalty so I don’t know how to answer how much is a young girl’s life worth, but I have children of my own and there’s not enough gold in the planet that would satisfy that question, and I think all of you victims are gold.
You’re valuable. I’m so very sorry this happened and, Lindsey, I’ve heard your scream. I will make a tough decision. I hope you will like it.
Hello. I am Lindsey Schuett and can provide a transcript and even the video that was used in court. Please contact me to update this page.