
The Heartland Independent Film & Drama Forum a nonprofit based in Muskegon, Michigan is dedicated to public interest causes in the American Midwest. Via feature films, videos, websites, and related books and public events we promote the public interest with a special focus on the American interest. In their own words, created with our media sponsor, The Michigan Daily,  gives voice to the courageous survivors who were abused by Larry Nassar and have spoken out about his crimes.

This website honors those who have given voice to so many who have been survivors elsewhere and is aimed at putting an end to this tragic situation. We are developing a place on the internet to show the courage those and women who were abused by Larry Nassar. We are giving each of their statements to the court a separate post where you can read in full what they said. It is their heart-breaking words, we have only edited for sense or flow (removing court procedural interventions). And we have left the Judge’s summary to each person.

Our aim is for this to be a resource for the survivors, for the families, for researchers, for journalists, for the public, and for others who unfortunately recognise these stories as similar to their own, to help them come forward in a way that these survivors were initially unable to, because of the reputation and standing of their attacker.

A brief timeline of the events

Our partners at the Michigan Daily have put together this timeline for the career of Dr Larry Nassar. It is constantly being updated with more information.

Timeline (external link)

We have created a searchable database based on the victim impact statements. Here is the link to this valuable research tool.

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