Anna Ludes
date of testimony: January 16th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
video submission
[court record does not have the transcript for video submissions]
MS. POVILAITIS: Judge, the video has been submitted by Ms. Anna Ludes.
(Video played at 4:24 pm)
THE COURT: Thank you. To Anna, I want her to know for the record that defendant will be spending the rest of his life behind bars, that the devastation and anxiety that she feels, I am hopeful by making that state and knowing that statement went public, that begins her healing, and I acknowledge she will be different. I bet every therapist she talks to will tell her she’ll be different. She can’t ignore four years of abuse, but she can put it behind her and be a better self, a stronger self, a more confidence self, that spokesperson that she just became, joining with her sister victims, survivors now, so important.
And I find it interesting when she talks about molester, that he is a molester, molester and monster both start with M maybe for a reason, but this monster will no longer be able to bother her or anyone else, and I’m hopeful of nothing but that she can begin that journey of bettering her life and putting this behind her and having a restful night’s sleep, which seems to be a common thread. Thank her for me.
MS. POVILAITIS: I will, judge. Just to correct the record, I may have misspoke. I know she’s out of state. I may have attributed another country, but she’s just unable to be here and I’m so glad she provided that to us.