Victim 75

date of testimony: January 17th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
THE COURT: All right. So Exhibit 2 is admitted, unless there’s objection?
MR. NEWBURG: No objection, Your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. Exhibit two is admitted, and because it’s on this audio, Ms. Hamlin will not take this down but it will become part of the official record.
MS. POVILAITIS: Thank you.
THE COURT: All right, thank you. (Audio played at 1:34 p.m.)
THE COURT: Is that the end?
MS. POVILAITIS: That’s the end, yes.
THE COURT: All right. Well, as to victim 75, you have turned your hopelessness now hopefully to hopefulness not just for yourself but for others.
There is no reason you should feel any guilt or shame or that you were ignorant. When there’s a good liar in the room, people want to believe that liar, and that’s simply what happened here. A lot of very young, innocent women were manipulated. Their parents were manipulated. Other doctors were manipulated. Sports as we know it was manipulated.
I’m hoping that your words in this courtroom will take away that self doubt, because you need to get stronger as he gets weaker, and I’ve said that to most of the 40 victims — 43 now who have spoken so far, but I firmly believe that this is your day to begin serious healing and move forward and, again, find hopefulness, because that’s what I see in all of you, that wonderful that is beaming out of this courtroom.
I wish you a grand and great and joyful future. I truly believe that’s where it’s headed, because you were strong enough to come to court, to utter those words publicly, and I thank you.