Victim 183
I am here today not only for my own healing but to help make change. I can only hope that sweet, little, innocent girls like I was will be better protected from people like you.

date of testimony: January 22th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
age at start of abuse: 13
Okay. Thank you, Your Honor, for allowing me to speak today and listening to so many courageous women.
May I address the defendant?
Larry, you know so well how I struggled using my voice to stand up for myself. Well, guess what? Not anymore. I have found my voice and I’m here to face you, my abuser, who I trusted for so long, the doctor that I was so privileged to see, the doctor I trusted to put me back together when I was broken, and the one I thought was my friend.
I am here today not only for my own healing but to help make change. I can only hope that sweet, little, innocent girls like I was will be better protected from people like you.
It saddens me to know that there was so many complaints so far back that were ignored. Shame on MSU and USAG. I am not ashamed, nor am I embarrassed, because I had no idea that this so-called medical treatment that you were given me was so wrong. I cringe when I hear comments like, how did they not know? Or, where were the parents? I have amazing parents who protect me and are present in my life. They were in the room with me, Larry.
You are disgusting. You are a master manipulator, the best of the best.
Larry, you hurt me. I thought you cared about me. I trusted you with my whole self. I even came to you once when I was hurt before I even told my parents. How could you do this to me and violate my own innocence? What kind of person can hurt so many? You are sick, Larry, and you deserve the sentence you are about to receive.
Remember the day you told me you cared too much about me to watch me in constant pain? The day you told me I needed to retire from gymnastics because it would be best for my own good, that I had too many injuries to move forward? I thought that was the worst day of my life. Well, I know much better now. I look back and know that you didn’t care much about me at all. You abused me, then shattered my dreams, and sent me off bawling for my long drive home.
You told me to enjoy the rest of my senior year and I should make lemonade out of lemons. Well, Larry, I’ve decided to give you those lemons back. You can take them to prison where you cannot make lemonade.
As for me, I will heal. As you know, gymnasts are very strong, and I’ll persevere and come up on top.
Your Honor, I ask that Larry receives the longest sentence possible. Thank you.
THE COURT: Thank you. I’ve heard your words, and you certainly have found your voice, and I will never think of lemonade again without hearing your voice. You certainly have helped others have the courage to do the right thing, to report, and I so respect your words and your presence here at such a young age. You all have had such tremendous power being here and facing defendant. Thank you.
VICTIM 183: Thank you.