Victim 159
As for myself, my family, and my daughter, we will become stronger because of this travesty. We already felt the strength from the many strong survivors that have spoken their truth this week.

date of testimony: January 22th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
First, thank you so much for allowing all the brave survivors the chance to speak to the world and show that they truly are survivors.
I wrote this as a mother of an all too recent survivor. For her, it was just a few short years ago. She’s still a young 15 year old teenager and feeling the shame and betrayal among a myriad of all other issues. This is the main reason she is not yet ready to speak up for herself, so today and until then I will speak for her.
She loved gymnastics, the hard work and long hours that she put into it. Of course there were injuries that came with that, too, but that would not stop her, that is, until she looked to the world famous doctor/child molester to help.
It was through this help that she lost the passion for your — after your shameless abuse. She thought this year she might try high school gymnastics, as she missed it deeply, but the night before practice began she had such anxiety that she was not able to even walk into the gym.
I fear for what emotional and physical issues might lie ahead for her. I look at her every day, worried about how she will come through this, but then I get a glimpse of the strong, smart, and beautiful young girl, and I have no doubt that she will get through this. Who knows how long it will take to find that strength, gain that trust, and feel that self worth, but it will happen, and I will make sure it happens. I will be there every step of the way for her, which brings me to my second point, and that is all of the secondary survivors that you’ve hurt, the parents, families, and guardians. Did it make you feel even stronger that you found a way to penetrate my daughter with me sitting in the room or numerous teens in the training room at Twistars? To me it makes you that much more disgusting and monstrous. At my most vulnerable I even wonder if she actually ever had the back fracture you claim she had. I’m supposed to be my child’s protector, but you made me question that ability. I’m taking that back today knowing that you will never see the light of day again. I only wish that you would have to sit and watch and listen to a recording of these survivor statements over and over during your years in prison. If there is a way for you to become weaker than the weak person you already are, I can only hope.
As for myself, my family, and my daughter, we will become stronger because of this travesty. We already felt the strength from the many strong survivors that have spoken their truth this week.
Thank you.
THE COURT: Prison certainly will not make him stronger, it will make him weaker, so I think your wish is granted.
In terms of a recording, there’s no recording in prison that I’m aware of that he’ll hear in regard to all of this, but he’s hearing it now.
What started out as about 55 people that wanted to talk, victim survivors, has turned into, I don’t know where we’re at, 150 maybe? He can’t ignore that. Your words can’t be ignored. Your daughter is not ignored. I’m hoping that — and I just haven’t had much time, but I know that there’s a lot of this on the internet, and I’m hoping that your daughter at some point can hear the words, and maybe she already has with your help and her sister survivors.
It seems that they’re gaining strength from each other, and I think your daughter will, too. I’m hopeful of that, anyway, but you are very brave being here facing your daughter’s abuser. She has to be very proud of you for that, and I need you to make sure that you are not blaming yourself and she’s not blaming herself. I’ve said it over and over, I just need you all to hear it, the blame lies solely with him, and you being here helps that recording that you want in his brain. Thank you.
VICTIM 159: Thank you.