Alexandra Romano

date of testimony: January 23th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
age at first abuse: 15
statement read by her sister Danielle
Thank you, Your Honor, for the opportunity to speak today. I’m speaking on behalf of my sister, and she’s really grateful for this opportunity.
May I please address defendant?
To the soon to be forgotten Larry Nassar, as you have been cowardly sitting in the courtroom with your head down while all of these brave women have come forward to share a piece of their mind, I have decided I want to share a piece of my mind, too. Unfortunately, I cannot be there in person to look you in the eye while I say this because I am attending graduate school in California and you’re not worth that much of my time.
I just want you to know, Larry, I trusted you and I looked up to you as my doctor. You were the only doctor who believed my lower back pain, and after finding out the treatments you performed on me were for your own sexual gratification, you broke my idea of trust, not only as an adolescent but also as an adult. You used my innocent adolescent body, meanwhile I thought you were healing me.
The pain of feeling like I should have known something was wrong, should have been smarter than to think that was okay is unfathomable and embarrassing. What you’ve done is unforgivable. Not only did you hurt me, but you also hurt my mother.
The woman who has always protected me wasn’t able to protect me from you. You inserted your fingers into my body right in front of her and she had no idea because you had these treatments down to a routine. It was so painful having to tell her that happened because I knew she would feel guilty, but she is not guilty, you are the only guilty one here, and I hope that the pain and suffering you endure for the rest of your life is much, much worse than what you put us through.
You and all who enabled you will get what you deserve, and all of us strong women are healing, and for you — while the pain is just beginning for you. You disgust me and everyone else in this world, and like many other girls have already said, today is the last day you are anything to me. You are a sad excuse for a human being, and from now on you’re dead to us. Thank you.
THE COURT: Thank you. You did your sister honor in how you presented her statement, and I want your sister to know that her time was well spent writing that and thinking about it, and I know how hard it must have been to write that, and I know that it’s not the longest statement that I’ve heard but it is impactful, empowerful, and I know she spent hours preparing that. I do appreciate her time. They’re strong words and they’re healing words, not just for her but for all the sister survivors and for your family, and, mom, leave the guilt here. I see it on your face. Please leave it here. He doesn’t deserve any more of your family’s time.
MRS. ROMANO: I’ll try.
THE COURT: Thank you.