Selena Brennan

date of testimony: January 23th 2018
location of testimony: Lansing, Michigan
age at first abuse: 13
Your Honor, I’d like to thank you for letting all of us speak this past week. I would also like to thank each and every strong woman who has come forward and spoke thus far for inspiring me to do the same. Your strong words are what got me standing here today.
I was 11 years old when I first went to see Larry. He inspired me, helped me, but ultimately, and unfortunately, used me. He groomed me while gaining mine and my family’s trust.
By the time I was 13 he gave me what he called special medicine shorts and abused me with the cover of it being called treatment. He violated me and made me feel disgusting. Although I knew something was wrong, my desire to be healed and belief that Larry was only there to heal me caused me to push back any bad thoughts I had about him.
I continued to see Larry for several years because of chronic back problems, and he continued to make me uncomfortable. The last few years I was seeing him for another back problem that he, for some unknown reason, couldn’t figure out. Now I sit here and wonder if that was on purpose. I got one MRI after he was fired, and from that one MRI I figured out what was wrong with me, and it turns out I was exactly right, so tell me, how does someone as educated as Larry not figure that out? Did he want to keep me around for his own use? This is something I may never know.
His enablers allowed him to continue to work and abuse patients, including myself, while he was under investigation. In fact, the last time I saw Larry was at the end of August only days before he was suspended and the first article was published.
Your Honor, I ask that you give this sick man the maximum sentence because that is what his actions deserve.
I would now like to address the defendant.
Larry, before I continue with what I have to say, it’s really unfortunate to me that even now standing here today seeing you upset for some sick reason makes me upset.
This week has been my time to face you but today is your time to face me. I want you to continue to look at me while I speak, because that is the attention I deserve.
I trusted you for six years and so did my family. I have listened to a lot of other brave survivors tell you their stories to get you the most worst possible punishable, but no punishment will be enough for the pain and suffering you caused everyone.
I want you to know you have not defeated me. I am joining the strongest source of women and making change so this type of sexual abuse is never tolerated or ignored.
I was inspired by the field of sports medicine because of you, unfortunately, but that is one thing I will not let you take from me. Today I am more determined than ever to actually becoming a respected, knowledgeable, helpful, caring, and successful sports medicine physician and person, the kind of doctor and people only thought you were.
I plan on taking your job, Larry, and making sure no patient of mine ever feels the way I do. And although I would never wish what you’ve put us through upon anyone, I do believe most often that what goes around, comes around, and as you start your life in prison, you may find yourself as a patient receiving one of your own treatments. Thank you, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Thank you for your words and for pursuing sports medicine. You’re not taking his job. You’re going to do it right. He gave up his job. I’m not sure he ever did it right from all the words that you all have spoken, and you deserve all good things. You are a success.
I saw when you came up you were hesitant but as you began to speak you got your power back. You got your voice. Your message is strong. I heard you. The world has heard you, and I look forward to seeing you graduate and be the best sports medicine doctor ever. Thank you.
MS. BRENNAN: Thank you.