Author: site administrator
Soon I had major news agencies calling me for statements in which I declined to answer. I was tagged on every Facebook post regarding Larry. I was getting messages asking about Larry. It was all too real to me and I wasn’t ready to relive many years of my childhood.
Please tell Jessica her message on accountability has been heard, and she is an absolute survivor who is strong and has such strength to help stop predators, and she joins the army of sister survivors. I heard her.
My little girl was the little brazen child you called her and so many of us did. She was the happiest child. Even as a newborn baby, she never cried. Happy little girl, loved life. Every teacher in her school said look out if she’s coming down the hall because you will be plowed over with a hug from her, and she did every day.
They also told me he was a little weird, a little off, and kind of odd, but maintained he was kind and, most importantly, the best at his job. What did I care if he was a little weird? He was the best at his job.
His assault has tainted the memory of my dream. I cannot look back on my athletic career at Michigan State without remembering this cancer. I also am haunted by the comments that were told to me prior to and after my appointment with him.
The trauma from my experiences with you haunted me, and at the time I worked hard to bury away my feelings. Unfortunately, in light of your criminal trial I have been forced to experience this again. Not only have I been forced to visit that dark place of defeat, but new information has framed what happened in a new and even more disturbing light.
Words cannot possibly describe how I feel about my daughter’s violation by Mr. Nassar. However, I will do my best to put it in my own words.
for too long women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men. But their time is up. His time is up. This is our chance at the justice system to support each victim and show every person out there that these crimes are not okay and that these evil and sick men must be punished for the hurt and the pain that they caused.
I always felt like you did what was in my best interest until 2017. Now I don’t know. Did you molest me or was it treatment? Michigan State no longer has my medical records so I really do not have anything to reflect upon.
This summer I became a certified — I became certified as a youth protection advocate and dance instructor. I became a mandated reporter, a position I do not take lightly. I have taken a vow to always put my students first before myself, before reputations, and before established institutions.