Category: statement


Grace French

“My friends … have shown me what strength is. It has taken time to find my voice, but I speak now for that little girl who sat terrified in his office, afraid to speak up, because maybe it really was ‘treatment.’


Victim 138

Have you ever lost your mind? 

Have you ever lost yourself?

Have you ever felt there was no way out that you could find?


Rachael Denhollander

I realize you have many factors to consider when you fashion your sentence, but I submit to you that the preeminent question in this case as you reach a decision about how best to satisfy the dual aims of this court is the same question that I asked Judge Neff to consider in Larry’s federal sentencing: How much is a little girl worth? How much is a young woman worth?


Kaylee Lorincz

Larry, as I look at you today I feel nauseous even standing in front of you, like the feeling as if I’m being assaulted by you all over again.


Sterling Riethman

I never once considered that being sexually abused while I still had acupuncture needles in my spine would ever be an option. I never once considered how much danger I was in when I had originally felt so secure.


Victim 178

My anger is not limited to Larry Nassar. I am frustrated with those who should have been protecting us. We were merely kids. We were scared, and we didn’t have a voice.


Victim 177

We who are sharing our horrific interactions with you are forcing a change, a change for better, for the many young athletes with dreams and goals.


Amanda McGeachie

You managed to prey on those of us who were extremely vulnerable and desperate to get back to racing, those of us who would do anything not to be in physical pain anymore. You took advantage of our determination to represent our school and race alongside our teammates.


Christina Barba

We know that a single candle can light a darkroom. Imagine what all these flames can do. We will not live in darkness. We will burn brightly.


Morgan Valley

I know that God uses the worst situations and can turn them to good, as he will do here. We are survivors. We are here to make sure this will never happen again. We are here to make change and we are here to be remembered as we will be.