Category: statement


Megan Farnsworth

I don’t know what it is that it still makes me feel anything but contempt for this man. It is hard to reorganize your memories given what the facts I know now show. It is hard not to say to myself, but how did I not see it?


Alliree Gingerich

Taking a simple walk, which used to be calming, is now exhausting. I have to convince myself the entire time that each person I pass or see is not going to hurt me.


Victim 159

As for myself, my family, and my daughter, we will become stronger because of this travesty. We already felt the strength from the many strong survivors that have spoken their truth this week.


Samantha Daniels

I was around 12 years old the first time I met the famous Doctor Larry. He had such an amazing reputation. At the time I would have trusted him with my life, but he used his position for his own hideous perversions.


Krista Wakeman

Little did we know that the type of manipulation that he was doing was not just to my body and others, but also to all of our minds as well.


Presley Allison

I will forever have a wall built up around me because of this. I have been affected by this monster in more ways than I am allowing myself to think. I want others to know that when this is over and out of the news for you, it will continue on for all of us survivors. This will never be something that goes away. For that, I ask for a maximum sentence for Larry Nassar


Victim 183

I am here today not only for my own healing but to help make change. I can only hope that sweet, little, innocent girls like I was will be better protected from people like you.


Victim 163

Here I was thinking that this man did so much for me when in reality he was slowly tearing me apart for his own sick and twisted pleasures. It is so disturbing to me that this man was involved with such joyful parts of my life.


Taylor Livingston

I can’t do intimate relationships because even the thought of trying to have one makes me cringe. I cringe when a sexual joke is told. I cringe trying to say words even related. My relationship with my hero, best friend, and dad was damaged as I was never honest, and every day I feel guilty for that, and I am mad.